
Hey! I'm Jennifer with the Florida Energy Bill Reduction Initiative.

Do you have an invitation code?

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Hey! I'm Sara.

Do you have an invitation code?

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Great news!

Please type your invitation code in the field below.

Invitation Code
Please enter your first name

Validating Invitation Code...

Let's confirm eligibility. Do you rent or own your home?

Do you have solar panels installed on your home already?

Do you have solar panels installed on your home already?

You are doing great! 

Homeowners commonly ask themselves "Is this going to be worth my time?" 

With the Florida Energy Bill Reduction Initiative, the average homeowner:

Pays $0 upfront, saves $51,747 over the life of their system, and invests less than 3 hours completing the process.

This is equivilent to earning $17,249 per hour.

Are you excited?

Congrats, you're validated!

Thank you for taking the time to check out the Florida Energy Bill Reduction Initiative. 

First, we'd like to tell you why we’re offering a different solar program to homeowners in the community.

There are several major concerns right now with the Florida utility providers.

In fact, knowing the agenda they have for each of their customers and the communities they serve keeps us awake at night.

Duke Energy customers are paying the highest rates for energy in Florida.

Your rates have increased over 20% in the last two years. 

Energy experts are predicting it's going to get worse before it gets better.

FPL customers are paying among the highest rates for energy in Florida.

Your rates have increased over 18% in the last two years. 

Energy experts are predicting it's going to get worse before it gets better.

TECO customers are paying among the highest rates for energy in Florida.

Your rates have increased over 17% in the last two years. 

Energy experts are predicting it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Florida utility customers are paying the highest rates for energy in Florida.

Your rates have increased over 13% in the last two years. 

Energy experts are predicting it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Before we get into the causes, take a look at this predicted energy rate chart. Duke Energy compared to the national average.

My image

Before we get into the causes, take a look at this predicted energy rate chart. FPL compared to the national average.

My image

Before we get into the causes, take a look at this predicted energy rate chart. TECO compared to the national average.

My image

Before we get into the causes, take a look at this predicted energy rate chart. Florida utility companies compared to the national average.

My image

Utility bills will inevitably double, even triple. 

Let's examine why Duke Energy rates are rising now and will continue to rise for the forseeable future.

Utility bills will inevitably double, even triple. 

Let's examine why FPL rates are rising now and will continue to rise for the forseeable future.

Utility bills will inevitably double, even triple. 

Let's examine why TECO rates are rising now and will continue to rise for the forseeable future.

Utility bills will inevitably double, even triple. 

Let's examine why Florida utility rates are rising now and will continue to rise for the forseeable future.

One major cause is the drastic rise in electricity usage and demand.

Duke Energy's demand is climbing fast due to:

1) Higher sales of mobile devices (electrical charging).

2) More electric-powered vehicles on the road (electrical charging).

3) Influx of residents moving here from colder climate regions (new construction).

So when demand outpaces supply, what usually follows?

One major cause is the drastic rise in electricity usage and demand.

FPL's demand is climbing fast due to:

1) Higher sales of mobile devices (electrical charging).

2) More electric-powered vehicles on the road (electrical charging).

3) Influx of residents moving here from colder climate regions (new construction).

So when demand outpaces supply, what usually follows?

One major cause is the drastic rise in electricity usage and demand.

TECO's demand is climbing fast due to:

1) Higher sales of mobile devices (electrical charging).

2) More electric-powered vehicles on the road (electrical charging).

3) Influx of residents moving here from colder climate regions (new construction).

So when demand outpaces supply, what usually follows?

One major cause is the drastic rise in electricity usage and demand.

Florida utility energy demand is climbing fast due to:

1) Higher sales of mobile devices (electrical charging).

2) More electric-powered vehicles on the road (electrical charging).

3) Influx of residents moving here from colder climate regions (new construction).

So when demand outpaces supply, what usually follows?

Also known as the Law of Supply and Demand in Economics, the primary principal is that when demand rises, prices go higher.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'Higher prices' answer.

Also known as the Law of Supply and Demand in Economics, the primary principal is that when demand rises, prices go higher.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'Higher prices' answer.

Also known as the Law of Supply and Demand in Economics, the primary principal is that when demand rises, prices go higher.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'Higher prices' answer.

Also known as the Law of Supply and Demand in Economics, the primary principal is that when demand rises, prices go higher.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'Higher prices' answer.

Utility companies have hefty expenses while wanting to maintain their high profit margins.

The money comes from the monthly bills their customers pay every month.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'Duke customers' answer.

Utility companies have hefty expenses while wanting to maintain their high profit margins.

The money comes from the monthly bills their customers pay every month.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'FPL customers' answer.

Utility companies have hefty expenses while wanting to maintain their high profit margins.

The money comes from the monthly bills their customers pay every month.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'TECO customers' answer.

Utility companies have hefty expenses while wanting to maintain their high profit margins.

The money comes from the monthly bills their customers pay every month.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'Utility customers' answer.

The only other options would be solar energy, wind energy, or power generator.

Our new solar program is the only other viable option for most homeowners.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'Nope, I thought I had only one option' answer.

The only other options would be solar energy, wind energy, or power generator.

Our new solar program is the only other viable option for most homeowners.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'Nope, I thought I had only one option' answer.

The only other options would be solar energy, wind energy, or power generator.

Our new solar program is the only other viable option for most homeowners.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'Nope, I thought I had only one option' answer.

Utility companies have hefty expenses while wanting to maintain their high profit margins.

The money comes from the monthly bills their customers pay every month.

Please click the back arrow below and select 'Higher prices' answer.

If this doesn't get your blood boiling, I'm not sure we would be a good partner to help you. 

Feel free to click the back arrow below and select 'Seems unfair and makes me want to gain control of my home energy' answer.

If this doesn't get your blood boiling, I'm not sure we would be a good partner to help you. 

Feel free to click the back arrow below and select 'Seems unfair and makes me want to gain control of my home energy' answer.

If this doesn't get your blood boiling, I'm not sure we would be a good partner to help you.

Feel free to click the back arrow below and select 'Seems unfair and makes me want to gain control of my home energy' answer.

If this doesn't get your blood boiling, I'm not sure we would be a good partner to help you.

Feel free to click the back arrow below and select 'Seems unfair and makes me want to gain control of my home energy' answer.

Unfortunately, yes, higher prices follow, which we've already seen over the past year.

Even if the energy usage isn't increasing in your home, your monthly Duke Energy bills are still climbing year-over-year.

Unfortunately, yes, higher prices follow, which we've already seen over the past year.

Even if the energy usage isn't increasing in your home, your monthly FPL energy bills are still climbing year-over-year.

Unfortunately, yes, higher prices follow, which we've already seen over the past year.

Even if the energy usage isn't increasing in your home, your monthly TECO energy bills are still climbing year-over-year.

Unfortunately, yes, higher prices follow, which we've already seen over the past year.

Even if the energy usage isn't increasing in your home, your monthly electricity bills are still climbing year-over-year.

Another concern is that Duke's utility grid is built on 130-year-old technology.

It's costing Duke a fortune to repair and maintain their outdated, aging grid.

Can you guess who is paying for all these necessary expenses?

Another concern is that FPL's utility grid is built on 130-year-old technology.

It's costing FPL a fortune to repair and maintain their outdated, aging grid.

Can you guess who is paying for all these necessary expenses?

Another concern is that TECO's utility grid is built on 130-year-old technology.

It's costing TECO a fortune to repair and maintain their outdated, aging grid.

Can you guess who is paying for all these necessary expenses?

Another concern is that Florida's utility grid is built on 130-year-old technology.

It's costing Florida utilities a fortune to repair and maintain their outdated, aging grid.

Can you guess who is paying for all these necessary expenses?

You guessed right. 

On top of that, they have monopolizing authority.

There are 53 other utility companies in Florida, yet none of them compete with Duke Energy.

You guessed right. 

On top of that, they have monopolizing authority.

There are 53 other utility companies in Florida, yet none of them compete with FPL.

You guessed right. 

On top of that, they have monopolizing authority.

There are 53 other utility companies in Florida, yet none of them compete with TECO.

You guessed right. 

On top of that, they have monopolizing authority.

There are 54 utility companies in Florida, yet none of them compete with each other.

Their perceived monopoly business strategy is intended for you to believe that they are your only home energy provider.

Do you feel like you've been given adequate choices for home energy?

Their perceived monopoly business strategy is intended for you to believe that they are your only home energy provider.

Do you feel like you've been given adequate choices for home energy?

Their perceived monopoly business strategy is intended for you to believe that they are your only home energy provider.

Do you feel like you've been given adequate choices for home energy?

Their perceived monopoly business strategy is intended for you to believe that they are your only home energy provider.

Do you feel like you've been given adequate choices for home energy?

Yep, and nearly 100% of homeowners in Duke territories feel the same way.

Duke will continue to raise their rates as long as you are willing to pay for them.

To add insult to injury...

Duke Energy's CEO earned a monstrous salary of $21,000,000 last year.

Yep, and nearly 100% of homeowners in FPL territories feel the same way.

FPL will continue to raise their rates as long as you are willing to pay for them.

To add insult to injury...

FPL's CEO earned a monstrous salary of over $15,000,000 last year.

Yep, and nearly 100% of homeowners in TECO territories feel the same way.

TECO will continue to raise their rates as long as you are willing to pay for them.

To add insult to injury...

TECO's CEO earned a monstrous multi-millon dollar salary package last year.

Yep, and nearly 100% of homeowners in our community feel the same way.

FPL will continue to raise their rates as long as you are willing to pay for them.

To add insult to injury...

The average Florida utility company CEO earned a monstrous multi-millon dollar salary package last year.

Now, there's nothing wrong with making lots of money in our free enterprise country.

However, Duke executives are getting rich by disabling your ability to choose.

How does that make you feel?

Now, there's nothing wrong with making lots of money in our free enterprise country.

However, FPL executives are getting rich by disabling your ability to choose.

How does that make you feel?

Now, there's nothing wrong with making lots of money in our free enterprise country.

However, TECO executives are getting rich by disabling your ability to choose.

How does that make you feel?

Now, there's nothing wrong with making lots of money in our free enterprise country.

However, Florida utility executives are getting rich by disabling your ability to choose.

How does that make you feel?

That is why we are on a mission to make solar power easily accessible, allow homeowners to pay $0 upfront, lock in lower energy rates, and save money from day one. 

Let's work together toward a common goal to get you more energy for less money.

Because you deserve a choice.

Replacing your expensive, unpredictable utility bill with a cheaper, steady solar bill might be easier than you think.

Want to see a better option for home energy?

Great, choice! The worst thing you can do is nothing at all.

Let's wrap up our online session today so we can determine if you are eligible for our new solar program. 

Then, once we know if we're in a position to help you, we can begin calculating your personalized savings.

We've made switching to solar as effortless as ordering a pizza.

Please watch this 4-minute video this video regarding your Duke Energy bills:

5 Concerns Why Duke Energy Bills Keep Rising (you will be shocked at #4).

After you finished the video, please check the box below then click Continue.

Before we continue, confirm this is why you're here. 

Homeowners commonly ask themselves: Is this going to be worth my time?

With the Florida Energy Bill Reduction Initiative, the average homeowner...

(drum roll, please)

Pays $0 upfront, saves $51,747 net over the life of their system, and invests less than 3 hours completing the process.

That is equivilent to earning $17,249 per hour.

Does that sound exciting?

Excellent, we're excited to see how much you'll save.

Here is what to expect:

(please read)

STEP 1: Determine eligibility and learn more. 

Answer a few questions online today then schedule a quick 15 minute phone chat with an expert Energy Advisor. You will receive free educational videos to watch about our new solar program upon completing your online session today.

STEP 2: Calculate your personalized savings.

If you are indeed eligible, this is the fun part. For most homeowners, choosing our new solar energy program is a no-brainer.

STEP 3: Switch and save from day one.

Trust the process. We've made switching to solar as simple as ordering a pizza. Replacing your existing high energy bill with a cheaper solar energy bill is easier than you think.

Ready to finish Step 1 right now to avoid being put on our waiting list?

Homeowners love us because of our education-first approach and transparency.

What to expect from here:

(please read before choosing)

STEP 1: Determine eligibility and learn more. 

Answer a few questions online and complete a quick chat with an expert Energy Advisor. This only requires about 15 minutes of your undivided attention. You also receive free educational videos to watch.

STEP 2: Calculate your personalized savings.

If you are indeed eligible, this is the fun part. For most homeowners, choosing our new solar energy program is a no-brainer.

STEP 3: Switch and save from day one.

Trust the process. We've made switching to solar as simple as ordering a pizza. Replacing your existing high energy bill with a cheaper solar energy bill is easier than you think.

Shall we contiue?

Packages and special offers are geographically specific. What is your address?

Your information is 100% private and we never send junk mail. We use satellite images to estimate solar energy production. 

Street Address
Please enter your street address
Please enter your city
Please enter your state
Zip Code
Please enter your Zip Code

Please select your electric bill provider so we can share some specific info and interesting facts.

Please specify an answer

Have you noticed any energy rate increases from @powercompany in the last 12 months?

Does your electric bill amount vary a lot during the year, or does it stay about the same?

Example: If your bill is typically $75 in January, but $150 in July, then choose Yes. If your bill stays within a $50 range year round, choose No.

How much is your electric bill per month, during the highest month(s) of the year?

Approximation or best guess is fine.

What is most appealing to you about the opportunity of switching to solar energy? 

Most homeowners choose more than one.

Please specify an answer

Do you have an electric vehicle?

Anything all-electric (EV) or plug-in hybrid (PHEV) that you do or would need to charge at home.

Calculating and configuring...

Doing fantastic. It's looking like we're in an excellent position to help you. 

Let's continue customizing the perfect system for you.

What type of property is your home in @city?

How old is your roof?

Approximation or best guess is fine. We assist homeowners with all roof ages and types.

How long do you plan on keeping your home?

What is your level of knowledge with home solar?

Tip: No wrong answers here.

Perfect! We'll explain important details of our new solar program in plain, simple terms.

We'll spare you the technical industry jargon.

You'll learn without feeling overwhelmed.

Click Continue and let's finish up! 

How much is your electric bill per month?

Approximation or best guess is fine.

How long have you been shopping for solar?

Tip: Our purpose is to make this part easy.

What's been the biggest challenge thus far during your shopping experience?

You're here for a reason and we want to ensure we can meet or exceed your expectations, always.

Please specify an answer

Ideally, when are you looking to switch to solar energy?

Forgive me if I'm being too direct, but...

What are you doing here?

How much work would you want to perform in the process of getting solar?

This includes the administrative duties, permitting, physical labor, performing electrical work, understanding IRS and state tax code, along with direct communication with the government agencies and utility providers.

Gathering results for you. 

Please hang tight.

Great news, it's looking promising.

You're almost finished with this important step.

 May I have your name, please?

First Name
Please enter your first name
Last Name
Please enter your last name

Hello, @name, let's create a free profile. What is your email address?

It's free and always will be. Also, we don't send spam.

Your email address
Please enter a valid email address

Let's finish your profile, @name. What is your mobile phone number?

Remember, we are not telemarketers.

Your phone number
Please enter a phone number

By clicking 'Finish Profile' button below, I agree with the terms, privacy policy and also give explicit consent to receive phone calls and text/SMS from Energy Bill Reduction.

Creating Free Profile...

Excellent job, @name, your profile was successfully created.

Let's schedule a time to chat with an expert Energy Advisor.

These Advisors are extremely useful. They will take as much time as you need to explain how the new solar program works, answer your questions, and show you the energy savings you will be able to claim. 

Due to the number of residents positively affected in the community by our special offer, Energy Advisors are available by appointment only. 

OK, @name, just 3 things to remember for your upcoming appointment.

1) The time you choose will be reserved exclusively for you as we will be giving you our undivided attention. Other homeowners that want the time you booked will be put on a waiting list. So barring a family emergency, we ask you to please call in on-time for your scheduled appointment.

OK, @name, just 3 things to remember for your upcoming appointment.

2) To calculate your personalize energy bill savings with precision, the expert Energy Advisor will review a copy of a recent utility bill with you. Please be prepared to have a copy of your bill handy.

If you have paperless billing that's OK. Simply be prepared to login to your account to view your montly energy usage.

OK, @name, just 3 things to remember for your upcoming appointment.

3) We will be sending you a couple brief educational videos that explain information about our new solar program. It is highly recommended that you watch these videos prior to your appointment time. 

The online videos we send you are only a few minutes in length and will provide a lot of value to you.

I'm sorry. At this time we can only assist folks that own their home. 

Please come back and visit us if you purchase a home in the future!

Enjoy the rest of your day.

I'm sorry. At this time we can only assist folks that have a valid invitation code.

Please come back and visit us if you get a code in the future!

You can also request an invitation code immediately by calling 1-800-591-2167.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

OK, let's see if we can still be of benefit to you.

Click 'Continue' below to proceed with the eligibility process. 

An invitation code can expedite the process, however, you may still be able to take advantage of the Florida Energy Bill Reduction Initiative.

 Do you rent or own your home?

Let's make sure you're in an area we can service. What is your home address?

We use satellite images to ensure accuracy.

Street Address
Please enter your street address
Please enter your city
Please enter your state
Zip Code
Please enter your Zip Code

Confirming service area...

How did you hear about the Florida Energy Bill Reduction Initiative?

Please specify an answer

Perfect. What is most appealing to you about the opportunity of switching to solar energy? 

Most homeowners choose more than one.

Please specify an answer

Validating responses...

Congrats, you're in. We've attached a valid invitation code internally so you may continue now.

Click 'Continue' below to finish your eligibity.


Please contact our Talent Acquisition Department at 1-800-591-1108 and ask for Bonnie. Let's put your expertise to the test.

That's unfortunate :(

We understand you're super loyal to your utility company. But isn't there just a little part of you that wonders if there's a better option for home energy?

click the Back arrow if you change your mind!

That's unfortunate :(

We understand you're super loyal to your utility company. But isn't there just a little part of you that wonders if there's a better option for home energy?

click the Back arrow if you change your mind!

Hmmmm, OK, let's figure out why you're here.

I think it's best if you call and we can talk on the phone.

Call toll-free 1-800-591-1108

OK, let's upload a copy of a recent utility bill.

My image
Drop your file here or click
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

Call toll-free 1-800-591-1108


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